Monday, August 24, 2009

Be Very Clear

"Knowledge is power and clarity is knowing how to use it"

You must be absolutely clear! The rest of your life begins right now so there is no time to waste confused and dazed in reality. If you want to move forward in life you have to develope a crystal clear vision of where your going. I figured this out years ago when I set my first major goal and that was to make the US Olympic team for taekwondo. I spent years training myself every day, sometimes I would be completely consumed by it. Everyday I moved towards it the vision got a little bit clearer and that got me excited thinking about it. Thats exactly how I feel now going after my dream of playing basketball in the nba. As the vision opens up to me not only do I get more excited but I become a much better player too. Vision & will power will take you places where talent never can.

I know there are so many people in life that go along blinded to there own ignorance. Some of these people are by moral terms bad and some are good. There is no excuse or exception for the ignorance of unawareness. I mean Martin Luther King Jr. had amazing vision but so did Hitler. Monumental figures in history all had one thing in common, an intimate connection with there source of potential. If you have big plans and get that tight feeling in your gut thinking about doing it when is the right time to begin? Create the vision, outline it, examine it and if you still feel it then make sure you do it!

Life is a game of no do overs so I say do it all and lets all be a little clearer on what it is we are doing.

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